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ARKK Holdings of GTLB


GitLab is a software development company that provides a comprehensive DevOps platform designed to facilitate collaboration and streamline the software development lifecycle from idea to production. GitLab monetizes its platform through subscription-based pricing, offering various tiers of enterprise-grade features and support to organizations for enhanced security, scalability, and efficiency in their software development processes.

Trades of GTLB in ARKK

The ten most recent trades of Gitlab in the ARKK ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Jan 07, 2025Buy$7,427,79512.16%0.11%
Jan 06, 2025Buy$13,057,07727.41%0.20%
Dec 31, 2024Buy$13,781,43046.46%0.21%
Dec 24, 2024Buy$16,249,855104.68%0.24%
Dec 23, 2024Buy$4,639,88943.50%0.07%