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ARKX Holdings of HO

Thales SA

Helmerich & Payne, Inc. is a drilling contractor that provides oil and gas well drilling services primarily in the United States. The company makes money by offering its fleet of technologically advanced drilling rigs and related services to exploration and production companies in the energy sector.

Trades of HO in ARKX

The ten most recent trades of Thales SA in the ARKX ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Jul 13, 2022Sell$141,0942.40%0.05%
Mar 28, 2022Sell$181,0802.90%0.05%
Dec 14, 2021Sell$3,302,437100.00%0.79%
Nov 23, 2021Sell$941,60011.20%0.20%