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Combined Holdings of TWLO in All ARK ETFs


Twilio Inc. is a cloud communications platform company that enables developers to integrate various communication functions such as voice, video, and messaging into their applications through APIs. It generates revenue primarily by charging customers based on their usage of these communication services, which is typically measured by the volume of API requests, minutes of call time, or the number of messages sent.

Trades of TWLO in All Ark ETFs

The ten most recent trades of Twilio in all the Ark ETFs ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
May 08, 2024Sell$1,302100.00%0.00%
May 01, 2024Sell$2,55945.65%0.00%
Apr 23, 2024Sell$5,912100.00%0.00%
Apr 23, 2024Sell$71,96385.77%0.01%
Apr 19, 2024Sell$4,407,56797.78%0.44%
Apr 11, 2024Sell$628,3573.68%0.06%
Apr 08, 2024Sell$125,24574.67%0.01%
Apr 08, 2024Sell$125,24574.67%0.01%
Apr 08, 2024Sell$699,86596.65%0.01%
Apr 08, 2024Sell$125,24574.67%0.01%