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Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin Corporation is a global aerospace and defense company that designs, manufactures, and sells advanced technology systems, products, and services for military, government, and commercial customers. It generates revenue primarily through contracts with the U.S. government and other international clients for its segments in aeronautics, missiles, fire control, rotary and mission systems, and space systems.

Trades of LMT in All Ark ETFs

The ten most recent trades of Lockheed Martin in all the Ark ETFs ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Oct 28, 2024Sell$477,24112.76%0.20%
May 30, 2024Buy$190,4736.11%0.08%
May 29, 2024Buy$482,49618.55%0.20%
Apr 30, 2024Buy$467,6585.08%0.05%
Sep 12, 2023Buy$1,611,49119.18%0.15%
Jul 13, 2022Sell$142,3994.25%0.05%
May 17, 2022Sell$612,7464.80%0.05%
Mar 07, 2022Sell$1,159,87827.80%0.30%
Mar 07, 2022Sell$2,948,25819.26%0.20%
Feb 14, 2022Sell$761,77617.51%0.20%