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Joby Aviation

Joby Aviation is a California-based venture-backed aerospace company, developing an eVTOL aircraft which it intends to operate as an air taxi service.[4] The company was founded by JoeBen Bevirt, a serial entrepreneur, and has raised more than $800 million in capital. Joby Aviation's goal is to 'save a billion people an hour a day.' Joby Aviation is headquartered in Santa Cruz, California, and has disclosed offices in San Carlos, California, Marina, California, and Munich, Germany.

Trades of JOBY in All Ark ETFs

The ten most recent trades of Joby Aviation in all the Ark ETFs ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Nov 15, 2024Buy$122,4060.97%0.01%
Nov 15, 2024Buy$36,6610.59%0.01%
Nov 13, 2024Buy$259,0031.99%0.03%
Nov 13, 2024Buy$77,7091.20%0.03%
Oct 25, 2024Buy$238,8994.48%0.10%
Oct 25, 2024Buy$804,3037.73%0.10%
Feb 20, 2024Buy$898,7516.39%0.09%
Feb 16, 2024Buy$333,7292.35%0.03%
Feb 15, 2024Buy$95,0930.66%0.01%
Dec 12, 2023Buy$2,092,99516.40%0.21%