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ARKQ Holdings of AUR

Aurora Innovation

Aurora Innovation, Inc. is a company specializing in the development of self-driving vehicle technology, focusing on creating an autonomous platform for commercial vehicle operations. Aurora makes money by partnering with automotive manufacturers, logistics companies, and ride-sharing services to integrate and implement its autonomous driving systems into their fleets, offering a combination of licensing, software services, and potential revenue-sharing models.

Trades of AUR in ARKQ

The ten most recent trades of Aurora Innovation in the ARKQ ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Nov 13, 2024Buy$1,195,08810.19%0.13%
Aug 13, 2024Buy$2,030,50135.97%0.28%
Aug 12, 2024Buy$1,984,43755.27%0.28%