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ARKQ Holdings of CCJ


Cameco Corporation is a leading uranium producer and supplier of nuclear fuel services that specializes in mining, refining, and converting uranium for use in nuclear power plants globally. The company makes money by selling its uranium products and nuclear fuel services to power utility customers worldwide, playing a crucial role in the nuclear energy supply chain.

Trades of CCJ in ARKQ

The ten most recent trades of Cameco in the ARKQ ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Apr 30, 2024Buy$906,9668.22%0.10%
Feb 12, 2024Sell$2,392,19517.83%0.25%
Jul 26, 2023Buy$995,9009.34%0.09%
Jul 25, 2023Buy$136,0141.29%0.01%
Jul 12, 2023Buy$5,664,545100.00%0.51%