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ARKQ Holdings of QCOM


Qualcomm Incorporated is a technology company that specializes in designing and developing wireless telecommunications products and services, with a strong focus on semiconductor and software solutions for mobile devices and connected products. It generates revenue primarily through the sale of its Snapdragon chipsets, licensing of its extensive patent portfolio to manufacturers, and offering related software and services.

Trades of QCOM in ARKQ

The ten most recent trades of Qualcomm in the ARKQ ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Apr 30, 2024Buy$558,3614.37%0.06%
Feb 12, 2024Buy$2,391,58345.02%0.25%
Jan 09, 2024Buy$636,25814.45%0.06%
Jan 08, 2024Buy$4,365,894100.00%0.44%