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ARKQ Holdings of BWXT

BWX Technologies

BWX Technologies, Inc. specializes in providing nuclear components and fuel for the U.S. government and commercial uses, including nuclear reactors and power systems. The company generates revenue by manufacturing and supplying products and services related to nuclear technology, catering to both defense and civil nuclear sectors.

Trades of BWXT in ARKQ

The ten most recent trades of BWX Technologies in the ARKQ ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Dec 31, 2024Buy$1,440,26415.71%0.15%
Nov 13, 2024Buy$653,3506.49%0.08%
Nov 04, 2024Buy$1,898,72725.81%0.25%
Oct 28, 2024Buy$2,014,39336.13%0.25%
Oct 21, 2024Buy$3,963,912228.09%0.50%