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ARKW Holdings of DDOG


Datadog is a monitoring and security platform for cloud applications that provides infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, log management, and security analytics services. The company makes money by offering these services through a subscription-based model, where customers pay based on usage, data volume, and access to various features tailored to their organizational needs.

Trades of DDOG in ARKW

The ten most recent trades of DataDog in the ARKW ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Oct 28, 2024Buy$5,797,80661.68%0.40%
May 07, 2024Buy$3,192,16342.48%0.20%
Apr 03, 2024Buy$1,854,03627.85%0.11%
Apr 02, 2024Buy$714,29912.19%0.04%
Apr 01, 2024Buy$5,920,788100.00%0.34%