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ARKW Holdings of MSFT

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft is a leading global technology company that develops, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products, services, and hardware devices, primarily focused on personal computing, business solutions, and cloud computing. The company generates revenue through the sale of software licenses such as Windows and Office, its Azure cloud computing services, LinkedIn, its Surface device line, and subscription services like Xbox Game Pass.

Trades of MSFT in ARKW

The ten most recent trades of Microsoft Corporation in the ARKW ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Jan 22, 2024Sell$1,625,3529.17%0.10%
Dec 11, 2023Buy$3,249,56924.97%0.20%
Jun 02, 2023Sell$1,234,2329.15%0.10%
Mar 20, 2023Buy$11,208,497100.00%0.89%