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ARKW Holdings of RDDT


Reddit operates as a social media platform that hosts a network of communities where users can post content, participate in discussions, and vote on submissions. The company generates revenue primarily through advertising and premium membership subscriptions that offer users an enhanced experience with additional features.

Trades of RDDT in ARKW

The ten most recent trades of Reddit in the ARKW ETF.View all trades

Market Value
% of Position
% of ETF
Jan 17, 2025Sell$917,8923.41%0.05%
Jan 17, 2025Sell$917,8923.41%0.05%
Jan 17, 2025Sell$917,8923.41%0.05%
Aug 07, 2024Buy$1,293,14419.33%0.10%
May 08, 2024Buy$3,672,4541,224.41%0.23%
Mar 21, 2024Buy$304,127100.00%0.01%